Our ironclad information security infrastructure protects clients' confidential data.
Our disclosure support system operates on a solid infrastructure foundation, governed by an insider information management system based on a strict security policy. (See PRONEXUS's four functions / Security support.)
We have built a communications infrastructure, hardware, software as well as a management structure that commands the latest in IT technologies. Our infrastructure was built and is operated in-house to ensure complete security in the sending and receiving, processing and storage of information. We have information security infrastructure that provides a level of security equal to those of financial institutions by means of a data center built to withstand fire and earthquakes to a level of 7 on the Japanese earthquake scale surpassing the standards of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI); the detection of unauthorized access from outside; server redundancy, the synchronization with the data center at a remote site in readiness for any disaster; and around-the-clock monitoring of sever rooms.
Company-wide ISMS (ISO27001)
Summary of PRONEXUS security
Enhanced data center operation
We have a Disaster Recovery Center located at a remote site so that we can quickly recover our operations if there is a major disaster at our Main Center.