Disclosure support system PRONEXUS WORKS Options

Options in tune with client needs

Our proprietarily developed PRONEXUS WORKS system offers a number of features, including WORKS-i, that reduce the workload of disclosure operations.

Even after the launch of the new EDINET, we continue to develop new features (upgrade versions) that give priority to the needs of disclosure professionals.

WORKS-i and peripheral services help to make disclosure operations more efficient

WORKS-i and peripheral services help to make disclosure operations more efficient
  • Note: Includes partial options agreement.
Available with an option to prepare EDINET documents outside of securities reports and timely disclosure documents for submission to TDnet other than earnings reports.
Earnings summary service
A service that allows you to prepare summary information of an earnings report in the same way as the main text.
eol benchmarking service
A service used to analyze comparative financial data, monitor other companies, and search for disclosure examples.