IR solutions Website preparation and operational support

Websites are an important factor in investor relations and their use in corporate activities is also increasing.
PRONEXUS is expanding its services for the construction and operation of corporate websites, including IR sites. This is based on our ability to come up with IR proposals utilizing our extensive knowledge of investor relations that we have built up over the years, as well as our web-based IR service "E-IR" that we developed independently. We offer ongoing IR services to many customers: not only to listed companies but also to financial institutions, investment trust firms, and Japanese real estate investment trust companies (J-REITs).

A summary of PRONEXUS website services

Website production and operational support

We will put together a dedicated team of members who have specialized knowledge of websites. These experts will be able to meet your needs in a wide range of areas, including the construction, production and operation of your corporate website (IR site).

Clients, including listed companies

Cooperative arrangements with group companies

Total support for corporate websites such as consulting, development / implementation, and operation. We respond to the needs of client companies with a strong support system.

PRONEXUS(Website planning and production services) ASP Communications Co., Ltd.(Text processing and data processing services)

Service achievements

By offering original development and production services we are enhancing our ability to offer solutions in the areas of corporate websites and IR sites to corporate clients, investment trusts and J-REIT operators, and are steadily gaining work orders from more and more clients as a result.

Service achievements

Introducing some of our achievements

Here are some clients for whom we have produced websites.

Hoya Corporation Open link in new window

  • Range of website production
    Planning, production and operation of IR site and corporate site. Introduction of E-IR
  • Points
    While maintaining the basic layout as a corporate website, this site incorporates the latest website design trends in its structure.
    The front page of each menu item supports easy access to the underlying contents.

SUMCO Corporation Open link in new window

  • Range of website production
    Planning, production and operation of IR site and corporate site. Introduction of E-IR
  • Points
    The website is designed to enable easy viewing by various devices (smartphones, tablets and PCs) and features a responsive site design. We are also revising the text layout to make the website easier to read.

Net One Systems Co., Ltd. Open link in new window

  • Range of website production
    Planning, production and operation of IR site. Introduction of E-IR.
  • Points
    This is a visually appealing site. The design concept called for a move away from the conventional text-heavy IR site layout that these kinds of sites tend to employ.
    The layout has given a lot of thought to the content and functions that are actually necessary, and is designed to lead the reader from the IR top page to the various contents beneath.

Topre CorporationOpen link in new window

  • Range of website production
    Planning, production and operation of IR site and corporate site. Introduction of E-IR
  • Points
    Introduced a video header on the top page and appealed about Company's features, strengths and businesses.
    We set up quick-to-understand content and encourage deeper understanding so that viewers who are interested can read forward with good tempo.

PRONEXUS's strengths

With a rich experience and high creativity, from strategy development to production, development, implementation, and subsequent operation in the web integration domain, we will execute according to the needs of client companies.

Furthermore, in the digital marketing domain, specialized teams handle planning, implementation, and operation from attracting customers to accepting orders.

High creativity to achieve goals
responding to customer needs
The ability to come up with sophisticated proposals(Proposals based on our ability to analyze companies (through our many years of experience in PR and IR) and to understand their needs) An ironclad security system(We produce websites under an environment of high security and meets disclosure needs) Accuracy and quality assurance(We ensure the consistency and uniformity of website content, expressions and data) Integrated follow-up(After a website goes up, we analyze the access log and other aspects, and formulate proposals for the maintenance of the site.)