Supporting companies as a key component of social infrastructure for capital markets
PRONEXUS is a specialist in the support of corporate disclosure and investor relations. Investors evaluate corporate value and make investment decisions based on the Internet contents and corporate disclosure documents that we help companies to produce. The information that companies will disclose contains important unpublished facts and so it is our duty to carefully guard our clients' confidential data. As the leading company in this field, employed by around 60%* of companies listed in Japan in the preparation of their major periodically disclosed documents, we play a role as social infrastructure in the capital market.
To bear this kind of social responsibility, we operate under a system of strict information security and compliance, providing total consulting and IT service support for clients' disclosures—where disclosure systems and IR needs are becoming ever more sophisticated.
- * This is the proportion of all companies listed on stock markets in Japan who commission PRONEXUS to prepare their securities reports or general shareholders' meeting convocation notices.