As a way to make an international social contribution, PRONEXUS once again donated to The Japanese Red Cross Society’s constant activities including disaster relief, international aid activities and other humanitarian efforts in 2016.
Also, we donated ¥3.3 million (¥3 million from PRONEXUS Inc. and ¥0.3 million from our welfare organization) to Kumamoto Prefecture to be used for relief for the damage caused by the Kumamoto Earthquake that struck in April 2016.
PRONEXUS donated again to the "IPPO IPPO NIPPON Project," run by the Japan Association of Corporate Executives to support people in the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster zone. We continued our contribution to the Coastal Forest Regeneration Project, a recovery plan run by the OISCA.
PRONEXUS Financial Disclosure Institute activities
The PRONEXUS Financial Disclosure Institute carries out basic and practical research related to corporate disclosure and aims to contribute to the development of capital markets through its activities. Its main activities include reporting research results at the Disclosure Basic Issues Study Group, a standing body, surveying and researching examples of disclosure, expressing its opinions, and acting as the secretariat for academic seminars.
In our surveys and research, we continue to survey the state of business reports and convocation notices. With the goal of helping to foster young researchers in this field, we began holding the PRONEXUS Essay Contest in 2009. The 2016 contest was the eighth in the series, and prizes were awarded to the winner and two runners up.
Support for the disabled
Paralym Art
We remain a supporting member of Paralym Art, which is operated by the SHOUGAISHA JIRITSU SUISHIN KIKOU ASSOCIATION.
Community contribution activities
Initiatives at Our Head Office
PRONEXUS participates in a range of activities organized by Tokyo’s Minato Ward, the Minato Council of Social Welfare, the Minato Eco-Conscious Consortium (mecc), and other bodies. These include donations to and cooperation with NPOs, kindergartens, and schools within Minato Ward.
Participation in the Shiba Area Clean Campaign for Zero Smoking on the Streets
We participate in the spring and autumn clean-up campaigns held in the traffic park in front of the Shiodome Building, which houses the PRONEXUS head office, and around Hamamatsucho Station. The goal is to clean up the streets and enlighten pedestrians about the smoking ban. December 2016 was the twelveth time we participated, and volunteers from among our employees showed up early to take part in cleaning and the education drive. Our awareness as a community member is raised when we act together with local citizens groups, shopping arcades, and other companies.
Joint Organization of Sprinkle Water on the Street at the Hamasite Project
Joining the sprinkle-water-on-the-street project organized by mecc, PRONEXUS did its part, called "Hamasite Street Watering," in the traffic park in front of the Shiodome Building. In August 2016, we, mecc, and other member companies jointly planned and carried out this project. This marked the sixth time that PRONEXUS took part. As in the past, our employees participated alongside other businesses in the neighborhood and many local residents, making for a lively event. PRONEXUS once again printed posters for the event and provided a truck to carry the necessary tools and materials.
Participation in Fureai Tsushin Kangari
We participate in this activity, carried out by the Minato Council of Social Welfare and the Volunteer Center, which sends summer and New Year's greeting cards to people aged over 75 in Minato Ward. In July 2016, we delivered summer cards illustrated by employees and their families to the Volunteer Center. We also sent New Year's cards in December.
Donation to and Exchange with an International School
We continue to donate to and engage in exchange activities with an international school kindergarten located in Minato Ward.
Ongoing Volunteer Work at Special Education Schools
A special education school in Minato Ward cooperates with an NPO to gather old clothes in a volunteer activity called “Clothing Mailbox.” We participated in June 2016 and February 2017. Our employees gathered old clothes, delivered them to the school, took delivery, and tallied up the amounts, while working side by side with the school staff and local residents.
As well, in October, we participated in a school charity bazar, supporting it with donated items and helping run the event.
Collection Activities
Once each quarter, our head office and branches collect plastic drink bottle caps, Bell Marks from product packaging, used stamps and postcards, and other items. The amounts are tallied and the results announced on the in-house intranet. We offer the Bell Marks to the OISCA, and used stamps and postcards to the Minato Ward Volunteer Center.
Initiatives at the Toda Factory
Since August 2010, when our Toda Factory started operating in Toda City, Saitama Prefecture, community involvement and making a local contribution have been important topics for employees who work there.
Continuation of Regular Activities
Our volunteers participate in cleaning up the area around the factory plant, in crime prevention patrols every second week, and in supporting a bon odori festival in summer. In these and other ways, we deepen our mutual understanding with local residents through ongoing exchanges and by contributing to the community.
Role as an Evacuation Shelter during Disasters
We exchanged a memorandum of understanding with the Minamiharacho Assembly so that community residents can use the factory as a shelter during a flood. We have also appointed employees who will aid disaster victims and prepare for emergencies.
Continuation of Factory Tours
Since 2011, we have offered factory tours to local elementary schoolchildren and their guardians. August 2016 marked the seventh time for us to give the tour. At each tour thus far, participants have viewed a slideshow that introduces the factory, received an explanation of factory products, taken part in making a small booklet, and observed our production line.
In 2016, staff from a project for challenged athletes (people with disabilities) also joined the tour, which included screening a slideshow about handicapped sports and a chance to try using a wheelchair.
Program to Offer Leftover Paper
To ensure that paper discharged during the printing process (leftover paper) is used efficiently, we have set up and operate a program whereby this paper is sent to Toda City, the Toda Chamber of Commerce, elementary and junior high schools within the city, nursery schools, and libraries.
Each receiving organization has registered an exclusive “Toda Factory community contribution paper” e-mail address. We send out news about our paper inventories, the mail recipients respond with their requests, and we deliver the paper as necessary. This program has won favorable reputation, and we have been thanked by the participants.
In 2016, we provided over 1,000 kg of paper to more than 10 organizations, including libraries and nursery schools, as well as elementary and junior high schools in Toda City.
Collection of Plastic Drink Bottle Caps
We continue to collect plastic drink bottle caps as a way to raise awareness about separating garbage and conserving the environment.
Initiatives at Branches, Offices, and Group Companies
Osaka Branch
In agreement with the environmental cleanup activities promoted by Osaka’s Chuo Ward in Osaka City, our Osaka Branch helps to clean the streets around the Osaka Securities Exchange Building, where its office is located. In 2016, the Osaka Branch carried out cleaning campaigns seven times. All employees are invited to participate, and about 20 come to work early each time to do so.
Collection activities include collection of plastic drink bottle caps, Bell Marks, and used stamps.
Nagoya Sales Office
After consulting with their building management company, employees of our Nagoya Sales Office clean up the streets around their office. They also collect plastic drink bottle caps, Bell Marks, and used stamps.
ASP Communications Co., Ltd.
To advance traffic safety education and boost awareness of its role as a member of the community, ASP Communications began participating in Toyama Prefecture's "Traffic Safety Challenge 1, 2, 3 Campaign" since 2013. Each year its participation record has risen, and 132 employees have already participated in 2016.
Also, it took part in new activities, such as volunteering for a local sports NPO.
Employee education
Information Transmission Using the Company Intranet
Use of the intranet for information transmission has been stepped up with the goal of boosting CSR activity throughout PRONEXUS and raising employee awareness.
Our CSR companywide site and the Minna to Minato site, which is planned and operated by employees, are regularly updated with activity reports and employee-generated content.
Courses are given twice a year using programs developed by the Minato Council of Social Welfare, the Volunteer Center, and others.
To deepen understanding of the hearing impaired, a third course on sign language was given in July 2016.
We held a third course in emergency use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for employees in December 2016.
CSR Award System
We sought to evaluate the CSR activities of employees and identify the results, to motivate participation. To this end, we introduced the CSR award system. Points are awarded to participants and tallied at the end of the fiscal year, and a winner is chosen. We held an award ceremony in April 2016 and presented seven people with commemorative gifts.
We Joined Minato Net
Beginning in fiscal 2015, PRONEXUS strengthened the local roots of its social contributions by becoming a member of Minato Net, a network of corporate CSR officers from companies located in Tokyo's Minato Ward. Members hold a regular monthly meeting, and once a year they carry out an event together, which gives them a chance to exchange information and deepen mutual understanding. Meetings and events also help employees from each company to get to know both one another and the residents of Minato Ward.
Information and examples obtained through regular meetings and events are fed back to PRONEXUS, where they are put to use in employee education.