Creating a personnel system and an assessment system that contribute to fostering professional human resources as well as providing training
Based on the principle that the client comes first, we aim for all of our employees to become professionals in their respective fields and have established systems that encourage employees to demonstrate their skills.
Every employee's aptitude is assessed, and those with an aptitude for specialized jobs are designated as experts or assistant general managers, while those with an aptitude for management are appointed as team leaders or group leaders. All employees are given posts suited to their skills.
In our assessment system, we use a documented business plan sheet to assess — every six months — an individual's achievements against the targets of his or her division. Every grade of employee is assessed against common standards in business achievement, ability and role fulfillment, and these assessments are reflected in their treatment. Personnel assessment training is given regularly to managers.
Responding to the different levels in our personnel system, we have implemented an education system from a hierarchical and medium- to long-term viewpoint. Employees who have been promoted receive training focused on raising their leadership motivation and problem-solving ability. Managers get training to improve the human skills needed to deal with subordinates as well as other management skills. Other training focuses on mental health. Sales staff are continuously trained to deepen their understanding of the production process and production management at plants. This leads to stronger ties between divisions and better customer response.
Promoting employment based on diversity and creating motivating work systems
PRONEXUS hired 11 new graduates in April 2017 and 29 mid-career personnel in fiscal 2017. In addition, 42 employees aged 60 or above have been rehired under the extended employment system as contract workers. They account for about 5% of the total workforce (as of October 31, 2017).
PRONEXUS employed 11 people with disabilities (as of October 2017). We are aiming to further promote this type of employment by furthering ties between divisions, including framework development and staff training.
To make our workplace environment as cooperative as possible and to ensure a good work-life balance, we have established and deployed a number of systems, including a short-time work program, a half-day-off program (20 times annually), a leave of absence program and a wedding holiday program.
PRONEXUS employs 194 women, or 24% of our workforce. To enable women to continue their careers after marriage and childbirth, we have introduced a work program allowing pregnant women to avoid rush hour, a short-time work program for women with children up to grade 3 in elementary school, and a program exempting overtime for women with preschool children. In fiscal 2016, those who took pre- and post-partum leave and childrearing leave had a 100% rate of return to the workplace. In response to revisions to the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act (effective October 2017), we established a new childcare leave system in July 2017 that enables women to remain off work until their child become two years old.
Tackling work-style reforms
To both control/reduce overtime and improve productivity, we provide management training to managers and have concluded the Special Article 36 Agreement (overtime work agreement) in line with circumstances in each division. As a result, overtime has been steadily trending downward. In addition, with the aim of ensuring employees can work with a healthy mind and body as well as be highly productive, we established two companywide holidays per year in fiscal 2017.
Industrial Safety & Health committees meet regularly at our head office and every business location to convey information that helps with managing health. We provide regular health exams to help employees maintain their health, and an occupational health physician is available for consultations. In addition, occupational health physicians and clinical psychologists regularly supply training and counseling for employees to promote mental health.