PRONEXUS has focused on key challenges in eight CSR themes and we are implementing initiatives companywide to meet these challenges.
1.Improving customer satisfaction
- 1. Reducing the operational burden for clients by developing and providing disclosure support systems
- 2. Providing consulting on appropriate disclosure and information that meets the clients' needs
- 3. Developing and providing new services with higher added value and improving quality
2.Information security
- 1. Continuing to strengthen the information security framework and systems, including insider information management
- 2. Operating CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team) as Group activities to ensure cybersecurity
- 3. Providing information security education to employees in response to changes in the external environment
- 1. Continuing to review and strengthen the system to prevent insider trading and providing training for employees
- 2. Creating a framework to prevent compliance risk from materializing and to ensure early detection
- 3. Providing compliance training for employees
4.Corporate governance
- 1. Promoting and accurately implementing the PRONEXUS Corporate Governance Guidelines
- 2. Revitalizing the Board of Directors and improving management oversight mainly through outside officers
- 3. Creating and operating a companywide risk management system that is directly connected with management challenges
5.Fairness and openness (communications with stakeholders)
- 1. Conducting procurement and maintaining trade relationships with partner companies based on free, equitable and transparent rules
- 2. Ensuring fair disclosure to shareholders and investors and creating long-term relationships with them
- 3. Strengthening ties with NGOs, NPOs and local organizations
6.Respecting human rights and human resources
- 1. Creating a personnel system and an assessment system that contribute to fostering professional human resources as well as providing training
- 2. Promoting employment based on diversity and creating motivating work systems
- 3. Tackling work-style reforms
7.Social contribution activities
- 1. Strengthening initiatives in domains with high relevance to the Company's business
- 2. Enlightening employees, promoting capacity building and nurturing leaders
- 3. Boosting employee motivation and implementing plans that contribute to building the corporate culture
8.Environmental preservation activities
- 1. Maintaining, managing and implementing activities for environmental management (ISO 14001) systems at plants
- 2. Promoting energy-saving activities and environmental consciousness in offices
- 3. Enhancing employee awareness of environmental preservation activities, such as protecting forests