Dividend policy / Share buybacks / Shareholder benefits

Dividend policy and dividend forecast

PRONEXUS believes that returning profits to shareholders is a vital issue facing companymanagement, and is taking a series of measures corresponding to our belief. The Company’s basicdividend policy is to conduct the stable, continuous payment of dividends, taking a comprehensive evaluation of business performance and the business environment into account. The Company’sstandard for the dividend payout ratio is 50% or higher.
The Company forecasts annual dividends of 36 yen per share for the fiscal year under review with ayear-end dividend of 18 yen in addition to the second quarter-end dividend of 18 yen, which hasalready been paid. This is expected to result in a dividend payout ratio of 51.6%. Based on a policy of providing stable dividends, for the fiscal year ending March 2025, theCompany plans to pay ordinary annual dividends of 36 yen per share (18 yen at the second quarterend and 18 yen at the year-end), in addition to a special dividend of 16 yen per share (8 yen at the second quarter-end and 8 yen at the year-end) funded by a portion of the gain on sale of investments accounted for using equity method generated by the transfer of shares of Mitsue-Links Co., Ltd. As a result, the Company forecasts annual dividends of 52.00 yen per share (26.00 yen at the second quarter-end and 26.00 yen at the fiscal year-end).

Share buybacks

The Company has always engaged in share buyback for treasury in consideration that it willcontribute to returning profits to shareholders and improving capital efficiency. Although we did not acquire our own shares in the consolidated fiscal year under review, we will continue to consider it as a shareholder return measure, while also taking into consideration the balance between investment in equipment and human resources, and growth investment including M&A.

Dividends and Share Buybacks (Consolidated)

Shareholder benefits

PRONEXUS has introduced a shareholder benefit program to express its appreciation to shareholders for their continuous support as well as to make investing in PRONEXUS' stock more attractive so that shareholders retain shares for a long period of time.
[Content of the shareholder benefit program]
QUO prepaid cards presented based on the number of years and number of shares owned
(offered to shareholders recorded in the shareholder registry as of March 31 each year who own more than 100 shares)

Number of shares owned Number of years owned
Less than 1 year 1 or more years but less than 3 years 3 or more years but less than 5 years 5 or more years but less than 10 years 10 or more years
100 or more but less than 1,000 shares ¥500 QUO prepaid card ¥1,000 QUO prepaid card ¥1,500 QUO prepaid card ¥2,000 QUO prepaid card ¥3,000 QUO prepaid card
1,000 shares or more ¥1,000 QUO prepaid card ¥3,000 QUO prepaid card ¥5,000 QUO prepaid card ¥7,000 QUO prepaid card ¥10,000 QUO prepaid card
  • * The number of years owned will be verified according to same shareholder number are recorded consecutively in the shareholder registry.